Wetland Adventure Guided Tour Application Form
  • 第 1 步
  • 第 2 步
  • 第 3 步
* 為必須填寫


The Hong Kong Wetland Park has temporarily closed the exhibition and visitor facilities in the Visitor Centre for upgrading in phases. For details, please visit "What's New". The itinerary and arrangement of the "Wetland Adventure Guided Tour"  will be adjusted according to the progress of the above project. Thank you for your attention.


Please read the “Notes to Applicants” and “Personal Data Collection Statement” before filling in this form.
Notes to Applicants
    1. 申請團體須於擬定活動日期前三個月至兩星期內,填妥此報名表及遞交預約申請。例子:如欲申請11/4/2017的導賞團,團體請於12/1/201728/3/2017遞交申請。所有預約申請會以先到先得方式安排,額滿即止。
      Application(s) should be made from 3 months to 2 weeks prior to the date of the visit. For example, to apply for a guided tour on 11/4/2017, the application period is from 12/1/2017 to 28/3/2017. All applications will be processed on a first-come, first-served basis.
    2. 任何不完整的申請(包括報名表上欠缺團體蓋印、選擇語言、參觀日期或時段等)將不獲處理。
      Any incomplete application (including without organisation chop, selected language, applied date or time of visit, etc. on the application form) will not be processed. 
    3. 如需申請多於一個導賞團,須填妥並遞交另一張報名表。
      Please submit a separate form for applying for more than one guided tour. 
    4. 本公園將於收到申請後的十個工作天內,以傳真或電郵通知申請人有關申請是否成功。如有任何問題,請電郵至 programme@wetlandpark.gov.hk 或 致電 3152 2666 查詢。
      Results of application(s) will be notified by fax or email within 10 working days after the date of application. For enquiries, please email programme@wetlandpark.gov.hk or call (852) 3152 2666.
    5. 本公園會為已確認團體預留門票。如申請團體收到「濕地探索」導賞團的申請成功確認書,團體無需另外於網上或傳真預訂門票。申請團體請在活動當天攜同該確認書到公園票務處取票及付款。
      Tickets will be reserved for groups that receive successful booking confirmation of the Wetland Adventure Guided Tour. Separate booking for Group Tickets is not required. Please collect tickets and settle the payment at Ticket Office on the day of the visit by presenting the booking confirmation.
    6. 在本公園發出活動申請成功確認書後,若申請人欲更改參觀日期或時間,必須重新遞交申請。
      For any change(s) of the date or time of visit after the application is confirmed, a new application is required. 
    7. 參加團體須準時到達香港濕地公園,以免影響當日其他活動之安排。如團體遲到超過30分鐘,其預約之服務可能會被取消。
      In order not to affect the visiting schedule and other programmes on the day, please arrive at the HKWP on time. Pre-booked service(s) may be cancelled if the organisation is late for more than 30 minutes. 
    8. 參加團體必須確保導賞團的參加人數不少於十五人。如少於此指定人數,其申請或已預約之服務將不獲處理或會被取消。
      The number of participants in the guided tour should be at least 15. Application(s) will not be processed or the confirmed booking maybe be cancelled, if the organisation fails to fulfil this requirement. 
    9. 所有參加者須自行繳付香港濕地公園入場費及其他關於來回交通、膳食及保險等費用。
      All participants must pay for the HKWP admission fees and be responsible for other costs such as transportation, catering and insurance etc.  
    10.  如活動前兩小時或以內,紅色或黑色暴雨警告、八號或以上熱帶氣旋警告生效,活動將會取消,而原定的活動將不會獲改期安排。
      Scheduled activity will be cancelled if any of the following adverse weather warning signals, including Red or Black Rainstorm Warning, or Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No. 8 or above is in effect within 2 hours before the activity. There will be no re-arrangement of the cancelled activity.
    11. 活動期間,若惡劣天氣警告包括雷暴警告、暴雨警告(黃色、紅色或黑色)、一號或以上熱帶氣旋警告生效,原定之戶外活動或會被更改或取消。
      If any of the following adverse weather warning signals, including the Thunderstorm Warning, Rainstorm Warning (Amber, Red or Black) or Tropical Cyclone Warning signal No. 1 or above is in effect during the activity, the outdoor trip may be adjusted or cancelled.
    12. 香港濕地公園保留所有有關此活動的最終決定權。申請能否獲批,須視乎申請人是否符合上述申請條件。如申請人不遵守以上規定或提供虛假的資料,其申請將會被取消。
      HKWP reserves all rights for this programme. The success of the application(s) is subject to the organisation’s compliance with the application criteria. If the organisation fails to comply with the obligations as aforesaid or any information provided by the applicant is found to be untrue, the application(s) will be cancelled.
Personal Data Collection Statement
  1. 個人資料乃由申請人自願提供,用作申請香港濕地公園有關活動。所有資料只供處理申請的人員參閱,作為審批、聯絡及相關的用途。
    The personal information is provided by applicants voluntarily for relevant activities organised by Hong Kong Wetland Park. The information will be provided to relevant staff for application processing, contact, and relevant purposes.

  2. 申請人如需要查閱或修改所提供的個人資料,請傳真至(852) 3152 2668或電郵至 programme@wetlandpark.gov.hk 與香港濕地公園外訪節目分組聯絡。
    For enquiries or amendments to the provided information, please contact Outreach Programme Unit, Hong Kong Wetland Park by fax at (852) 3152 2668 or by e-mail at programme@wetlandpark.gov.hk.

團體名稱 Name of organisation:*
地址 Address:*
電話號碼 Telephone no.:*
傳真號碼 Fax no.:
申請人姓名 Name of applicant:*
稱謂 Title:*
手提電話號碼 Mobile phone no.:*
電郵地址 E-mail:*
接收電郵的語言 Language for receiving emails :*
If the Contact Person on event day is different from the Applicant, please fill in below information for communication use on the event day.
活動當天聯絡人姓名 Event day contact person:
其手提電話號碼 Mobile phone no.:
參加人數 No. of participants (15 - 40):
(須包括最少一名18歲或以上領隊或職員 Shall include at least 1 leader or staff aged 18 or above)*
Age of participants:*
Please specify any special assistance is needed.
門票 Ticket:*
Please tick corresponding group(s) of the Concession Tickets, multiple selection:*
參觀日期 Date and time of tour


Only applications within 3 months to 2 weeks prior to the date of visit will be processed; Only 1 session of guided tour will be arranged per application form. Please submit a separate form for applying for more than one guided tour.

第一選擇 1st Choice:*
第二選擇 2nd Choice:
第三選擇 3rd Choice :
Starting time of the 1st Choice:*
Starting time of the 2nd Choice:
Starting time of the 3rd Choice:
導賞語言 Language of guided tour:*
Choice of itinerary (Please choose one only)*

「戶外生境管理體驗」包括約1小時參觀戶外濕地保護區 及 約1.5小時生境管理工作體驗,只適合8歲或以上的參加者。
"Outdoor Habitat Management Experience" includes about 1-hour outdoor Wetland Reserve visit and about 1.5-hour habitat management works. This activity is suitable for participants aged 8 or above only.

This part shall be completed by the Authorised Person of the organisation to certify that all the information given on this form is correct and complete.
Signature of Authorised Person*
Name of Authorised Person*
Organisation Chop*