Application Form for "Education Display Materials" Lending Service
  • 第 1 步
  • 第 2 步
  • 第 3 步
* 為必須填寫


注意事項 Notes to Applicants
  1.  教育展覽材料借用服務只接受學校及社會服務團體的申請。
    The lending service of education display materials is for schools and social service organisations only.
  2.  申請人須於擬借用展覽材料日期前 最少兩星期 遞交申請表格。所有申請會以先到先得方式處理。
    Applicants shall submit their applications at least 2 weeks prior to the proposed date of display material collection. All applications will be processed on a first-come-first-served basis.
  3. 填寫此表格須 上載學校 / 團體印鑑(只接受圖檔格式JPEG或PNG) 以完成申請程序。
    Please note that applicant is required to upload the School / Organisation Chop (Only JPEG or PNG file is accepted) in order to complete the registration.
  4. 每間學校/團體可以同時借用不多於兩套展覽材料。
    Each school/organisation can borrow no more than 2 sets of display materials at the same time.
  5. 每套展覽材料的借用時限為兩星期
    The borrowing period of each set of display materials is 2 weeks.
  6. 借用展覽材料不需收費,惟申請人須自行安排交通工具提取及交還展覽材料。
    The display material lending service is free of charge, but applicants shall arrange their own transportation to collect and return the display materials.
  7. 學校/團體須派代表到香港濕地公園辦理提取及交還展覽材料的手續。
    Schools/ organisations shall arrange representative(s) to collect and return the display materials at the Hong Kong Wetland Park.
  8. 職員在提取展覽材料時,需出示由香港濕地公園發出的確認信以作證明。
    When collecting the display materials, the representative(s) shall present the confirmation letter issued by the Hong Kong Wetland Park for verification.
  9. 申請人須於確認信列明的時段內提取及交還展覽材料 (星期二及公眾假期不設借/還展覽材料服務)。
    The display materials should be collected and returned at the time marked on the confirmation letter (No display materials lending service on Tuesdays and public holidays).
  10. 展覽材料只適宜在室內場地擺放。
    Display materials are designed for indoor display only.  
  11. 申請人應小心搬運及擺放展覽材料,香港濕地公園不會就展覽材料在借用期間對任何人士或物品造成的傷害或損壞承擔責任。
    Applicants should take proper care when transporting and displaying the display materials. Hong Kong Wetland Park is not liable for any injuries or damages caused during the borrowing period.  
  12. 申請人可利用展覽材料背面的魔術貼安裝展覽材料(易拉架除外)。為免展覽材料受損,請勿在展覽材料加上其他黏貼用品。                       
    Applicants can make use of nylon sticking tapes at the back of the display materials for installation (except roll-up banner). To avoid causing damage to the display materials, please do not apply other sticking tapes on them.
  13. 如展覽材料在借用期間損壞或遺失,申請人應盡快通知香港濕地公園。若申請人因不正確使用展覽材料而導致上述情況,他們或須支付維修或重新製作展覽材料的費用。
    Applicants should report to Hong Kong Wetland Park as soon as possible if the display materials are damaged or lost during the borrowing period. The applicants may need to pay for the cost of repairing or re-production of the display materials due to improper use.
  14. 申請人未經香港濕地公園同意,不可擅自外借展覽材料予其他團體或利用展覽材料作牟利用途。
    Applicants are not allowed to lend the display materials to other parties or use the display materials for any profit-making purposes without the consent of Hong Kong Wetland Park.
  15. 香港濕地公園保留對借用展覽材料安排的最終決定權。
    Hong Kong Wetland Park reserves all rights regarding the arrangement of the lending service. 
個人資料收集聲明 Personal Data Collection Statement
  1. 申請人所提供的資料,只供申請此服務之用。根據個人資料(私隱)條例,申請人有權要求查閱及更正所提供的個人資料。如欲查閱或更正個人資料,你可隨時電郵至 education@wetlandpark.gov.hk 與香港濕地公園學校節目分組聯絡。
    The personal data provided by means of this form will be used solely for this service. The applicant has the right to request access to and correct his/her own personal data in accordance with the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance. If you wish to access or correct your personal data, you can notify the School Programme Unit, Hong Kong Wetland Park anytime by emailing to education@wetlandpark.gov.hk.
  2. 個人資料的提供純屬自願。如申請人不提供充分的資料,本公園未必能夠處理申請。
    The provision of personal data is voluntary. If you do not provide sufficient information, Hong Kong Wetland Park may not be able to process your application.

申請人資料   Details of Applicant

學校/團體名稱 School / Organisation Name*
地址 Address
聯絡人姓名 Contact Person's Name*
職位 Position
聯絡電話 Contact No.*
傳真電話 Fax No.
電郵 Email*
手提電話號碼 Mobile No.*

教育展覽材料   Education Display Materials 

(最多只能同時選擇兩套   Can only borrow no more than 2 sets of display materials at the same time)

選擇一 Display Material 1*
選擇二 Display Material 2

借用日期   Borrowing Period

第一選擇   1st Choice 
由 From*
至 To*
第二選擇   2nd Choice
由 From
至 To
學校 / 團體印鑑 School / Organisation Chop*