租用場地申請表 (放映室/多用途室)
Application For Booking (Theatre / Multi-function Room)
  • 第 1 步
  • 第 2 步
  • 第 3 步
  • 第 4 步
  • 第 5 步
  • 第 6 步
* 為必須填寫
注意 Important Notes

(1) 漁農自然護理署保留一切拒絕這項申請的權利。

The Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department reserves all right to refuse this booking application.

(2) 申請人在提交申請表時,即被視為已閱讀及同意香港濕地公園放映室及多用途室的租用場地安排及租用條款。

When applicant submits the booking application form, he is deemed to have read and agreed to the Booking Arrangements and all Terms and Conditions of Hire of the Theatre and Multi-function Room of the Hong Kong Wetland Park.

(3) 所有在香港濕地公園放映室及多用途室內舉行的活動,必須與自然保育或教育有關或本公園認為適合的其他項目。

All activities to be held at the Theatre and Multi-function Room of the Hong Kong Wetland Park should be relating to issues on conservation, education on conservation or other issues considered appropriate by the Hong Kong Wetland Park.

(4) 申請人必須提供足夠證明文件作申請之用。

Applicant shall provide adequate documentary proof for booking application.

(5) 如舉辦的活動屬於《電影檢查條例》所界定的電影公映活動,租用人必須由電影檢查監督評定級別或決定能否獲得豁免評級,詳情可參閱「怎樣申請影片、包裝物或宣傳資料核准」單張。此外,倘其他條例(例如《淫褻及不雅物品管制條例》或《簡易程序治罪條例》)的有關條文適用於申請人舉辦的活動,則申請人亦須遵守。

For events involving public exhibition of films as defined under the Film Censorship Ordinance, classification or exemption is required from the Film Censorship Authority. Please see the information leaflet on "How to Apply for Approval for Film, Packaging or Advertising Material". Applicant should also note that he needs to comply with any requirements set out in other Ordinances as may be applicable to their event(s), such as the Control of Obscene and Indecent Articles Ordinance and the Summary Offences Ordinance.

第一部分 PART I
團體名稱 (註冊名稱) Name of organization (Registered name)*
團體性質 Nature of organization*
填寫下面的輸入欄 *
團體地址 Address of organization*
電郵 E-mail*
申請人姓名 Name of applicant
英文 English*
中文 Chinese*
稱謂 Title*
申請人職位 Post of applicant*
電話號碼 Telephone No.*
傳真號碼 Fax No.
有關此租用場地申請之往來文件一律寄交 (請只擇其一)
Correspondence concerning this application to be sent to (Please choose ONE only)*
第二部分 PART II

放映室租金 Rent of Theatre: 每小時 490 元 $490/hour

多用途室租金 Rent of Multi-funtion Room: 每小時 170 元 $170/hour

擬租用場地 Unit required*

申請日期和時間 (租用時間以每小時計算,最少1小時,場地佈置、準備及清場時間亦包括在內)

Date(s) and time required (Booking time is on hourly basis with minimum 1 hour, including time of set up, preparation and move out)

第一選擇 1st Choice
日期 Date*
開始時間 Starting time*
完結時間 End time*
第二選擇 2nd Choice
日期 Date*
開始時間 Starting time*
完結時間 End time*
活動名稱 Name of event
中文 Chinese*
英文 English
活動性質 Nature of event*
活動詳情 (例如主題、劇目、節目及表演者 / 講者姓名等。倘有詳細活動程序表,請提供。)
Details of event (e.g. theme, title, programmes and name of speakers, etc. Please provide an event rundown if available.)*
活動參加人數 No. of participants*
節目開始時間 Commencement time of event*
參與活動費用 (如有) Participation fee (if any)
這項活動 The event is*
合辦機構 (如適用) Name of co-presenters (if any)
贊助機構 (如適用) Name of sponsors (if any)
第四部分 Part IV
負責活動細節安排的聯絡人 Person to contact regarding arrangement of the event
聯絡人姓名 Name of contact person
英文 English
中文 Chinese
稱謂 Title:
地址 Address
電郵 E-mail
電話號碼 Telephone No.
傳真號碼 Fax No.
第五部分 Part V

上載證明文件 Upload certification / licence document(s)

接受檔案格式 / Accept file format: PDF

(大少不多於 / Size up to: 5.0 MB)

所代表團體的印鑑 Chop of organization represented*
商業登記證 Business registration certificate
社團註冊證明書 Societies registration licence
機構章程或組織章程大綱及章程細則 Constitutions or Memorandum and Articles of Association
香港濕地公園所須指定的任何其他文件 Any other documents specified by the HKWP

個人資料(私隱)收集聲明 Personal data collection statement:

1. 閣下於表格內所提供之個人資料只作處理申請之用。 The personal data provided will be used for the purpose of the application only.

2. 根據個人資料 (私隱)條例第 18, 22 及附表一的第六原則,閣下有權要求查問及更正表格內所提供的個人資料。 You have the right to request access to and the correction of personal data in this form in accordance with Sections 18 and 22 Principle 6 of Schedule 1 to the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance.

備註 Remarks

請將填妥的申請表格連同有關證明文件以電郵、傳真或郵寄方式送交香港濕地公園 (經辦人:營運經理)

Completed application forms with supporting documents should reach the Hong Kong Wetland Park by email, fax or post (Attn: Wetland Park Manager / Operation) 

查詢電話 Telephone enquiry3152 2666

傳真 Fax: 2617 1158

電郵 Email: info@wetlandpark.gov.hk

網址 Websitewww.wetlandpark.gov.hk


Booking Arrangements


放映室 Theatre

多用途室 Multi-function Room


Hire Charges


HK$490 per hour


(on hourly basis including equipped facilities.)


HK$170 per hour


(on hourly basis including equipped facilities.)


Seating Capacity


203 seats and 4 wheelchair seats



Equipped Facilities

(*視乎情況提供 depends on availability)


Chairs, baby booster seats, projector and screen, wireless microphones, lectern, and table*


Chairs, projector and screen, table*, white board* and marker*


Benches, table*, white board* and marker*

租用時間 Booking Time

每日上午十時至下午五時 (注意逢星期二 (公眾假期除外) 場地並不向外租借)

10:00 am - 5:00 pm daily (Note: The venues are NOT available for hire on Tuesdays (except Public Holidays))

申請租用場地 Booking


Booking applications are accepted not less than 1 month but not more than 3 months prior to the first day of hire and processed on a first come, first served basis.

請將填妥的申請表格連同有關證明文件以電郵或傳真方式送交香港濕地公園  (經辦人:營運經理) 。

Completed application forms with supporting documents should reach the HKWP by email, or fax (Attn: Wetland Park Manager / Operation).


Applications received will only be considered subject to operation feasibility and in accordance with the criteria of booking application. A formal reply will be provided within 14 working days thereafter.

用途 Purpose


All activities to be held at the Theater and Multi-function Rooms of the HKWP should be relating to issues on conservation, education on conservation or other issues considered appropriate by the HKWP.

證明文件 Supporting Documents


For submission of booking application, applicant may need to provide copies of:

1. 商業登記證或按《公司條例》發出的公司註冊證書,或

   1. Certification of Business Registration or Incorporation under the Companies Ordinance, or

2. 社團成立通知,或

   2. Notification of Establishment of Society, or

3. 按《社團條例》發出的註冊證書,或

   3. Certification of Registration under the Societies Ordinance, or

4. 機構章程或組織章程大綱及章程細則,或

   4. Constitutions or Memorandum and Articles of Association, or

5. 香港濕地公園所須指定的任何其他文件。

   5. Any other documents specified by the HKWP.


The HKWP may reject applications which fail to provide necessary information and/ or supporting documents.

租用人須知 Notice to Hirer

1. 租用人須遵守香港濕地公園放映室及多用途室的租用條款。

   1. Hirer shall adhere the Terms & Conditions of the Hire of the HKWP

2. 租用人不許在場內進行任何銷售或商業活動。

   2. No sales of merchandise or commercial activities are allowed.

3. 租用人不許在放映室及多用途室內飲食。

   3. No eating or drinking is allowed in Theatre and Multi-function Room.

4. 當申請獲批後,租用人須在指定限期前繳交租用費及有關舉行公眾集會、公開演說或在公眾集會上致辭所需的許可證費用-港幣520 元(如適用者)。租用人須依照公園發出之政府繳款單所述的付款方法繳付有關款項。如期限已屆而公園仍未收到應繳款項,則假定租用人撤回租用申請,並會即時把場地另行編配予其他租用人。

   4. For successful application, hirer shall pay the Hire Charges and Permit Fee of HK$520 for holding public meeting or making public speech (if required) to the HKWP before the deadline. Payments can be settled by mean of demand note. If the payment remains outstanding after the deadline, it is assumed that this booking is no longer required and the booking slot will be released to other applicants accordingly.

5. 任何人士包括租用團體的工作人員、代理人及活動參與者如進入公園,均須購買適當的門票。詳情請瀏覽網頁 https://www.wetlandpark.gov.hk/tc/information/ticketing

   5. Any person entering HKWP including hirer’s working staff, agents and participants should pay for admission fee. Please visit https://www.wetlandpark.gov.hk/tc/information/ticketing for details.

6. 與租用人活動有關的車輛只可停泊在停車場,並須繳付停車場費,每小時港幣8 元。

   6. Parking of vehicles for hirer’s activities is only allowed in HKWP car park and parking fee of HK$8/hour is required.

7. 香港濕地公園保留一切拒絕租用場地申請的權利。

   7. Hong Kong Wetland Park reserves all the rights to reject booking application.

傳真Fax:2617 1158

